Что-то дела с санкционированием и и организацией официальных турниров обстоят из рук вон плохо, как у нас в Луганске, так и на всеукраинском уровне. Я уже не касаюсь собственно организации, это забота клубмейкера, но на мне лежит ответственность за оформление протоколов и регистрацию турниров. Следуя лозунгу "помоги себе сам", я зарегистрировался как организатор по новой программе Wizards Play Network. Проблем не возникло, меня включили в эту программу:
Від кого: DCIAutoEmailer@wizards.com
Кому: "Yuri Kotilevski" <dauphin@ukr.net>
Тема: Welcome to the Wizards Play NetworkDear WPN member
We are really excited you elected to be part of the Wizards Play Network. Be
assured we are here to help you in anyway possible, just drop an email to your
local regional office below, and one of our coordinators will be more than happy
to assist you anytime.We have reviewed your recent activity and reporting and have assessed your new
WPN level at Core for the period of 01/July/2007 to 30/June/2008 should the
following current WPN statistics remain unchanged.Current WPN statistics are:
Number of events: 29
Delinquency rating: 0
Number of new DCI members: 9
Maximum attendance: 10
Total unique players: 23Please take a few moments to review your statistics and we've listed below a few
steps you can follow to correct any possible issues.Regional offices:
North America & South America: dci@wizards.com
Japan: dcijapan@wizards.com
Asia Pacific: apac@wizards.com
Germany & Austria: wizards@hasbro.de
France: custserv@hasbro.fr
Italy: wizards@hasbro.it
UK & South Africa: dciuk@hasbro.co.uk
Europe - other: custserv@hasbro.beYou can read about your current level benefits at wwwwizards.com/wpn and see
what programs this now qualifies you for. Be aware that some programs, such as
the D&D Championship Series, have a limited number of locations, and selection
of these will be made on geographic distribution to a qualified organizer in the
region who applies.Please remember that we view all organizers as very important parts of the WPN
team and as such our coordinators are happy to assist you anytime. We look
forward to hearing from you soon.The WPN Team
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Outstanding Issues:
What follows are some ways to check on and resolve possible outstanding issues
that may have affected your WPN level. If these don't address your own issue(s)
then please don't hesitate to contact us and we'll work with you to resolve
them.Events: You can check on your event's status by logging into your DCI account
and clicking on Event Status. Any marked RTD (returned) or DLQ (Delinquent) need
to be rectified immediately.Events will be listed as Returned (RTD) when the file you uploaded or emailed to
us has an issue such as incorrect organizer DCI number, or the event did not
occur on the date sanctioned. To fix Returned events, contact your regional
office with your DCI number and the sanctioning number of the event that was
returned - one of our WPN coordinators will be more than happy to work with you
and rectify this issue.Note: If an event is returned, our system will send you an email with a
description of the error. If you get an email with an upload error, please
contact us as soon as possible so we can work to correct the issue in a timely
manner. In the future, events marked as Returned will count as Delinquent for
the purpose of determining WPN level.Delinquent events need to be reported as they are now beyond our reporting
deadline. Please note that you can not change the status to Did Not Occur (DNO)
of a delinquent event and must contact your regional office to request change of
the event status. Ensure you always supply your DCI number and the sanctioning
number when requesting any change.Note: Events must be reported within eight days of them taking place and that
reporting is a very important part of the assessed criteria for your WPN level.New DCI members/ attendance/ unique players: Check all events are reported and
if any are outstanding or delinquent then report them immediately. Note that a
new player may already have a record with us from another event. In this case
the duplicate would be combined and not count towards your total. If you still
think your new DCI member count is not correct then contact your regional
Как видите, мне присвоили Core Level на срок один год, и это приятный сюрприз, потому что по известным вам требованиям я тяну только на самый низкий, Gateway Level. Однако этому уровню надо соответствовать, а с нашей текущей активностью я не то что уровня не потерять, я вообще могу из организаторской программы вылететь. Ну вобщем вот такие дела. Какие будут комментарии, предложения, пожелания?