Magic Berserk Warhammer

Magic: the Gathering, Берсерк и Warhammer в Луганске

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Десять лет назад было не плохое, сейчас да не очень.



Revan написал(а):

Десять лет назад было не плохое, сейчас да не очень.

Я не об этом. Я о в принципе  :D



Кшатрий написал(а):

Я не об этом. Я о в принципе

ааа, ну тут как и само аниме как вид - на любителя)



Кшатрий написал(а):

Дерьмо редкое, это аниме)



Солидарен, тока на форжике не говорите этого вслух :). Там отцы-модераторы с дурацкими никами и глазастыми аватарами.



на форджике в принципе на любой вопрос отвечают посылом... в лучшем случае в рульбук. а то и в места пострашнее.



Да ну не знаю, сколько на фордже спрашивал, не помню резко неадекватных вопросов, на крайняк спрашивали, а для чего и что.



Shirrick написал(а):

Солидарен, тока на форжике не говорите этого вслух . Там отцы-модераторы с дурацкими никами и глазастыми аватарами.

Да там модераторы вообще есть странные. Особенно БТвод-модератор нытик еще тот.



Ultra marines are a little lengthy but they choose the doctrines of Tactical, Assault, or Devstator. The Tactical detachment re-roll ones, unless they're tactical marines and they re-roll all failed to hit rolls in the shooting phase. The Assault detachment re-rolls charges, unless they're assault squads, bikes, attack bikes and they get fleet. The Devastator detachment get to re-rolls on snap shots and overwatch shots, unless they're Devastators and they gain relentless as long as they're not disembarking from a transport in the movement phase.

Мне кажется или это какой то праздник на улице унитазников :huh:



Raven guard get stealth and the ability to use their jump packs in the movement and assault phase.

IF get bolter drill and that allows them to re-roll any 1s, it does not work with sternguard special rounds. Also Devs and Centurion Devs get Tank Hunters special Rules with a +1 on damaging buildings.

No bionic rules but Iron Hands have army wide 6+ FNP and It Will Not Die for vehicles and characters .

Sallies get to re-roll any failed armor saves from flame based weapons, also with their flame weapons they get to re-roll any failed wounds or armor penetration that fail to cause a penetration or glancing hit. Also any character gets to master craft one weapon for free points.

Vows are gone. BT come with Chapter Tactics just like all the other marine army. One allows you to re-roll to hits rolls and rending, when you're in challenges. The other one gives you Adamantium Will and Crusader. Also their ally matrix did not change

If you're an unknow founding or a home brew chapter you can pick what Chapter Tactics you want.

Do UM retain their "fall-back from combat and may act normally" ability? Thanks in advance!
No that rule does not exist anymore. Like all the chapters their Chapter Tactics are set.

What happened to No pity,no remorse,no fear and Righteous zeal?
Those abilities no longer exist, they're just gone. The chapter Tactics they get are called "Accept any Challenge, No Matter what the Odds" and "Crusaders".

Some SC still have USR that boost their army.

Ultramarines are a little lengthy but they choose the doctrines of Tactical, Assault, or Devstator.
The Tactical detachment re-roll ones, unless they're tactical marines and they re-roll all failed to hit rolls in the shooting phase.
The Assault detachment re-rolls charges, unless they're assault squads, bikes, attack bikes and they get fleet.
The Devastator detachment get to re-rolls on snap shots and overwatch shots, unless they're Devastators and they gain relentless as long as they're not disembarking from a transport in the movement phase.



У саламандр какая то хрень(



Q: Does special characters still add the USRs/special rules that they have in this codex to your army/squad? EX: Shrike and Infiltrate? Pedro and +1 Attack aura?
A: Yes some SC still have USR that boost their army.

Q: Is it finally possible to take jump packs for our command squads?
A: No, Only bikes.

Q: Can you confirm/disprove the "special" Rhino variants that were rumoured? EX: Medical, Recovery, etc.
A: Those do not exist. That was wish listing.

Q: Could you shed some light on the UM special rules?
A: Ultra marines are a little lengthy but they choose the doctrines of Tactical, Assault, or Devstator. The Tactical detachment re-roll ones, unless they're tactical marines and they re-roll all failed to hit rolls in the shooting phase. The Assault detachment re-rolls charges, unless they're assault squads, bikes, attack bikes and they get fleet. The Devastator detachment get to re-rolls on snap shots and overwatch shots, unless they're Devastators and they gain relentless as long as they're not disembarking from a transport in the movement phase.

Q: Are there any special banners that can be taken? EX: Banner of Devastation from DA Codex, etc.
A: No, that is more wish listing. You can have the good old Chapter Banner.

Q: Did sternguard special ammo change at all?
A: Remained the same, SG went down to 22 points

Q: Are there any other scoring units besides sternguard, tac, and scouts?
A: Only Tac and scouts. SG if you take Kantor and 5 man bike squad if you take a Captain on a bike.

Q: Any changes at all to the Black Sword or is the EC just some sort of challenge monkey now? I wonder what "for his points will be a good character hunter" could mean.
A: EC has an AP2 sword striking at initiative and if you add the BT Chapter Tactics be becomes a challenge machine. He also has 2+/4+.

Q: Thank you so much, a final question, the BT situation sounds like we were better off with a 4th ed codex, do the special characters give anything special? What does Helbrecht and Grimaldus look like and do for the army?
A: No they do not add anything. They've been basically upgraded to 6th ed. For a BT will be happy with all the options they will have.

Q: Just out of curiosity, does Accept any challenge give them rending in Challenges, or allows them to reroll rending throws?
A: They have rending.

Q: Is there any way for Templars to have access to CC boosting USRs via characters?
A: Once per game Helbrecht can give Hatred and Fleet in the Assault phase. It only works on units with Chapter Tactics(Black Templars)

Q: Any idea if the Champion is still BT-only or they opened it up for other chapters that have them in the fluff (IF and CF for example)?
A: EC are only for BT armies.

Q: Is that 3-5 man bike squad as troops, or 5-10 man bike squads to count as troops? Also, is the attack bike still an upgrade to a bike squad, as well as a separate choice?
A: Its a 3-5 man. You can upgrade one to an attack bike.

Q: how big can a crusader squad be?
A: Up to 10 Initiates and up to 10 Neos.

Q: what USRs do Helbrecht and Grimaldus provide?
A: Grimaldus gives Zaelot

Q: what units are restricted to Templars?
A: Only librarians

Q: how do Castellans work?
A: You pick either a SM captain, Chapter Master or Termie Captain.

Q: Does the Emperor's Champion's sword still have the +2 to strength in addition to being AP2?
A: Yes if you pick that stances, but counts as two-handed. the other stances gives you rending.

Q: And does the 4++ invulnerability now work outside of close combat, too?
A: Yes he is always 2+/4+.



Q: can castellans/marshals take command squads
A: Yes they can take command squads, but they are just Captains now.

Q: can Helbrecht take an honor guard
A: Yes because he is a Chapter Master

Q: what USRs and where in the Force Org chart are normal chaplains
A: Chaplains are HQ and Zealot.

Q: which HQ choices actually take up a slot, and which ones don't
A: Chapter Masters, Captains, Chaplians, and Librarians. BT can not take librarians.

Q: did the costs of dedicated transports change?
A: Only major change to dedicated transports is the Storm moving there.

Q: also, do you mind sharing any changes to devestator costs or the potential load-outs for tac squads?
A: Devs went down. Close to Dark Angel book.

Q: any way to get 2 special weapons?
A: No way to get 2 specials.



Как я понял, самые модные плюхи получили ультры, а остальным доп плюшки?



othing special for Black Templars, you just get the full access to the codex. So you get Vanguard, Sternguard, Centurion and so on. You have the ability to put multiple power weapons in crusader squads. One is a non-character which can not be challenged. You get to hide a power weapon.

EC can only be taken by BT and they're a HQ choice. [CrAzY424 - Obvious I would have thought].

(Assualt Drills) S9 AP2 Melee, Specialist Weapon, armorbane.

Castellans are gone. Vet Sgts are Sword Brothers.

(Black Templar relics??) The relics consist of two swords, one bolter, set of armor, one storm shield and one banner.

One set of Warlord traits for all chapters.

Telion is the same points and all updated with sniper rules for 6th.

Chronus is cheaper but still not worth it. Just increases the BS by 1

CM has A4 and W4 and access to honor guard as command squad.

Storm Raven stayed 200 points.


Drop Pod back to (Capacity) 10.

(Changes to Heroic Intervention) They do not get the penalty for disordered charge and Sgt auto passes initiative check for Glorious Intervention.

(New AA-Tanks) AV 12 12 10 and no interceptor, I repeat no interceptor.


Nice! Some of it may be repeats but It's all looking pretty awesome.



No way to get 2 special (weapons).


(Grav Weapons) Solid shot and they have concussive.


Dreads a basically the same.


All Ultra characters are in. (They are) Virtually the same. Calgar can take three Warlord traits and went up in points. He's a beast.


(Chaplains) Two wounds and two attacks (base).


(Lysander) Yes he still has Eternal Warriors.


If you play a successor chapter you will use the Chapter Tactics of the Founding Chapters. The codex covers a lot of the successor chapters.


(Is it possible for White Scars to run an all bike army) Yes but you have to take 2 captains so you can get two bike squads to be troops.


(Honour Guard) They went down in points. That is their big change.


(Hunter Missle) S7 AP2 Armourbane.


(Vanguard vets) They are 19pts without jump pack and 22 points with jump pack. Heroic Intervention does not work the same as last codex.


Shrike can only infiltrate with jump infantry.
Khan give scout to bikes and mounted troops. His bike does D3 Hammer of Wrath hits.


WS/BS 4 S/T 5 W2 I4 LD8/9 Sv 2+

First 3 cost 190 and 60pts for each. Squad can be 3-6 suits


(Centurions) The drills give a bonus attack to the assault version.


No Termie command squads.


(Transport capacity) LR = 10, LRC = 16, and LRR = 12


(Lysander Chapter Tactics) Gives all units in 12" with Chapter Tactics (IF), re-roll on morale and pinning test.


Master of the forge is almost the same. He will get "It Will not Die" USR and a 1+ to Blessing of the Omnissiah from the IH Chapter Tactics.



Revan написал(а):

Как я понял, самые модные плюхи получили ультры, а остальным доп плюшки?

Ультра в порядке, ИК и ЖР тоже ничего,нно слабее. ГВ шлак, что то интересное вырисовывается БШ, но пока не ясно. Саламандры среднячок, оставили что есть, дали рерол сейвов от огня!!? пиздец как полезно. Ну у очень сомнительно все у БТ, точнее сомнительно как этим пользоваться, учитывая что до хтх дойти надо. Ну хотя чемпа подняли наконец.




-Chaplains are HQ , W:2, A:2 and grant Zealot.
-Master of the Forge gains It Will Not Die
-Scouts drop 2 points, can take LS Storm as a dedicated transport.
-Tacticals drop 2 points.
-Devastators drop 2 points.
-Sternguard drop 3 points.
-Vanguard drop 1 point, jumppack option drops 7 points.
-Honour guard are cheaper.
-SM Bikes drop 4 points.
-Hunter/Stalker re both armed with s:7 weapons (Stalker heavy4, Hunter heavy1). The Hunter's weapon is AP:2 Armorbane.
-Command Squads may take bikes, and a bike-equipped Commander makes a SM Biker unit troops.
-Crusader Squads may take 2 power weapons per squad. Costed and equipped as Tacticals as standard. May swap out for BP/CCW for free. Max size 10 Initiates and 10 Neophytes.
-Centurions WS4 BS4 S5 T5 W2 I4 Ld8/9 Sv2, Squad size 3-6, each costed as a Predator.

- Raven Guard have Stealth, may use jump packs in movement AND assault phase.
- Imperial Fists reroll '1s' to hit with standard bolters (Bolter Drill). Devatators/Centurions have Tank Hunters and +1 on the building damage table.
- Salamanders reroll failed to-wounds with flame weapons, and failed armor penetration rolls versus vehicles. Characters gain a free master crafted weapon. Vulkan is the only way to grant twin-linked meltas.
- Black Templars have Chapter Tactics options instead of Vows. The Emperor's Champion is an HQ choice for them only and chooses from either (reroll failed to-hits plus rending in challenges), or (gain Adamantium Will plus Crusader). No Librarians allowed.
- Ultramarines choose from one of the following donctrines:
a) Tactical - Re-roll ones, unless they're Tactical marines and they re-roll all shooting failed to hits.
b) Assault - Re-roll charge distance, unless they're Assault squads, Bikes, Attack bikes who gain Fleet.
c) Devstator - Re-roll on snap shots and overwatch, unless they're Devastators who gain Relentless (except when disembarking).
- White Scars bike equipped Captain makes 1 bike squad troops
- Successor Chapter use the Chapter Tactics of their Founding Chapter. Many Successor Chapters are listed by name.

6 new Chapter Relics
Grav Weapons have Concussive

-Marneus Calgar may take 3 Warlord Traits and is pricier.
-Korsarro Khan grants Scout to mounted troops and bikes. He inflicts D3 Hammer of Wrath hits.
-Kayvan Shrike may Infiltrate with Jumppack units.
-Emperor's Champion equipped with AP:2 sword, armor is 2+/4+i
-High-Marshal Helbrecht grants Hatred and Fleet to Black Templars in the Assault phase once per game.
-Lysander returns with Eternal Warrior, Units in 12" re-roll on morale and pinning test.
-Grimaldus Grants Zealot to his unit.
-Several Named Characters retain USRs that affect their entire army.



АА вроде как обещает быть дешевенькое, но без интецептора таки.



В целом реально все ощутимо коснулось ультры, у остальных расхлебывать по немного. Резист от огня Саламандрам, такой ситуативный.



Revan написал(а):

В целом реально все ощутимо коснулось ультры, у остальных расхлебывать по немного. Резист от огня Саламандрам, такой ситуативный.

Отож. Вообще если это и весь релиз то ничего не поменяло и страдать. Или какие то дикие комбы типа Кхан-разорспам + броды с интерсептом, которые нахуй не нужны. Так что надеюсь что где то в мелочах кроется сюрприз.
Да "морячек" подешевел, но он все такой же беспомощный против интерсепта и ап2 тау, против ап3 ХСМ и так далее. Хотя возможно в нашем метагейме и этого будет достачно



Подробности о Черных Храмовниках в новом кодексе Космодесанта (Источник: Faeit 212)

Взводы Крестоносцев в новом кодексе позволяют брать неофитов и инициатов как обычно. Оружейные опции доступны только инициатам.

Храмовники теперь могут брать целые юниты целиком из скаутов/неофитов.

Их Тактика Ордена (Chapter Tactics) почти полностью повторяют уже привычные клятвы старого кодекса, почти до буквы.

ЧХ могут смело ожидать суб-кодекса до следующего лета, который позволит им заменять такитку ордена на альтернативные опции, как например это позволяли делать клятвы. Братство меча слились с Vanguard Veterans.



Неплохо, выйдет кодекс - поиграем. Лишь бы БТ не скучно было, павера не надо, а то будет хейт как на серых.
Центурионы донышко какое-то, хотел взять для коллекции, но слишком хрупкие за свою цену. Штернов может наберу, наконец-то их нам дали.

Отредактировано Shirrick (2013-08-13 16:23:25)



Какие то у центурионов странные статы, за такой здоровый обвес и всего лишь 5я тафна и 2й сейв) Термоса покрепче будут!



А я рад что центурионы не павир, значит можно обойтись и без них. Хотя может и возьму отряд, но соберу по своему, как Рейвена



Another BT player raising his complaints....
Q: More options but if CC crusaders are not getting any bonus in CC then BT are WORSE in CC then with the 4th ed book and because termies will get 1 less heavy weapon in a squad of 5 BT Gunline will have less missiles
A: Those things had gone they way of the dodo bird a half a decade ago. Even if they got their own dex there ways no way that you were still going to get two heavy weapons in five termies and other outdated rules.

Squads are just as good as there 4th codex iteration. They're cheaper, they come with frag/krak grenades, up to two power weapons, 2 flyer types, and the list goes on. There are far more pluses than minuses.

If you were banking on rules that are old and outdated then you will be disappointed. If you look at all the options then you will be excited about the possibility and the flexibility that the new dex offers.

Back to the Q&A:

Q: Ironclads the same?
A: Ironclads are the same.

Q: About Honor Guard, have they gotten cheaper? Has the chapter champion got more bad ass or is he still...meh?
A: Honorguard are cheaper and the company champion is the same, at least he's cheaper.

Q: landspeeders the same? Or similar to the dark angels cost wise? Doubt they get 1-5 too.
A: Speeders are 1-3

Q: What about Cassius and Sicarius?
A: 1)Sicarius is 15 points cheaper and basically the same.2)Cassius is 5 points more.

Q: Any change regarding the Whirlwind?
A: Nope. Missiles do the same and its 65 points.

Q: Does IF bolter drill only apply to boltguns/bolt pistols (minus special ammo) or does it apply to hvy and hurricane bolters as well?
A: It works on every bolter on page 56 of the rule book. Hurricane bolters already get a re-roll and you can't re-roll a re-roll.

Q: Can you give the full breakdown of grav-weapons? S value? how do they work v. vehicles? difference between grav gun and grav cannon?
A: Grav weapons wound the target based on their armor save. For example a terminator has a 2+ save so they would be wounded on a die roll of 2+. Against vehicles roll a die, 1-5 does nothing and on a 6 the vehicle is immobilized and loses a HP.

Q: Did the Codex Powers change?
A: They use the psychic powers out of the rule book, so null zone and the other powers are gone.

Q: What are te ranges on the new Grav Guns? Are they rapid fire?
A: Pistol: Range 12", Gun: 18" salvo 2/3, and Cannon: 24" salvo 3/5

Q: Did the dreadnoughts gain any rules (like the rumored Inspiring Presence)?
A: No, I think that's more wish listing.

Q: Do the Devs get Flakk Missles?
A: Yes. They have to pay and additional 10 points.

Q: Can Honor Guard get and invunerable now (storm shields)?
A: No.

Q: Is there some caveat to the first half of the UM tactical rule (like..i don't know,does not work on heavy weapons for example...) or is it just a plain better version of the IF one even without the extra bonus for tactical squads?
A: It will work on any weapon that rolls a 1, while the IF only works on bolter type weapons.

Q: How many points are the Scout Bikes?
A: 18 points

Q: Did they change the Cereberus launcher on the LS storm? used to be -2 leadership to enemies assaulted after disembarking.
A: It's not the same. It's range 18" S 2 large blast Blind.

Q: Do BT get Land Raider Redeemers as Dedicated, or only Land Raider Crusaders?
A: Just LRC.

Q: Out of intrest, is there anything in the book that stops BT from allying with a psyker? (I know they cant take one)
A: Im not seeing anything that will stop you from allying.

Q: Any change to the Sternguard ammo types?
A: Same as before

Q: Who can take the Grav Weapons?
A: Basically anyone who can take special weapons or pistol upgrades. They heavy one is only on the Dev Centurions.

Q: How much cheaper are Honor Guard exactly?
A: They dropped 25 points.



Q: Has libby base cost decreased?
A: Yes, Psyker down to 65 points.

Q: Oh, do the Chaplains get any melee weapon options, or are they stuck with Crozius only?
A: They have other power weapon options and they can also have Chapter Relics.

Q: With the Ultramarines Chapter Trait do you choose, or is it based on how you build your army?
A: You choose but it will kind of force yourhand to build a certain way to take advantage of CT.

Q: Do Grav have haywire as some early rumors suggested?
A: Grav have concussive.

Q: On the stalker model it seems that its two weapon turrets can move seperatly, there was also a rumour before that they could split fire. Is there any indication of this or does the stalker simply have a s7 heavy 4 gun?
A: You're very astute. There is an option to fire at two targets with a lowered BS.

Q: What are the specs of the flame launcher on LoD with ignores cover USR?
A: All shooting attacks ignore cover saves.

Q: Do we get interrogator chappie/reclusiarch?
A: No, basic Chaplain for all.

Q: Did shooty Terminators get better/cheaper?
A: Heavy Flamer went up in points, while assault cannon and cyclone saw a same points decrease.

Q: How many points costs Tigurius now?
A: 165 points. Down 65 points.

Q: How much do ML 1 and 2 librarians cost?
A: ML1 = 65 and ML2 is a 25 point upgrade.

Q: Does Thunderfire Cannons get any advantage of IH Chapter Tactics? I mean, FNP or It never dies? Their techmarine gets de +1 on Omnissiah's blessing?
A: Yes the Techmarine would get FNP, +1 Omniissiah, and it will not die.

Q: Has auxillary grenade launcher changed?
A: 24" rapid fire.

Q: Are Tactical Squads basically the same as in Codex:DA, as far as organisation and equipment options go?
A: Yes



Что что а ХК меня радует. 90 очковые либры с 2 млв это очень ок. Тигурий оживает, вообще песня. Единственный кто знает дивинацию, да еще и с 3 млв. - новый "дедушка".

Центурионы очевидные убийцы ОБЧР.



Мне кажется гравганы хороши именно против рукопашной или средней дальности элитки. Против ОБЧР, которые захотят подойти близко. Против некрон зажжет особенно жестко. Против тау не особо, даже против кризисов.



Revan написал(а):

Мне кажется гравганы хороши именно против рукопашной или средней дальности элитки. Против ОБЧР, которые захотят подойти близко. Против некрон зажжет особенно жестко. Против тау не особо, даже против кризисов.

Если речь о боинге то конечно ловить там нечего колобкам, разве что с Тигурием. У него 1\2 шанс что будет игнор ковра на психосиле.

Против некрон да, должно не плохо работать, главное что НЕ ГРЕЕТСЯ. У трех центурионов 15 выстрелов гравкой. Телепортироваться к марам страшно. Не понятно правда как вундить тех у кого нет армора.

зы. Дарков зато не сильно пугают эти гравки. У меня поголовно дерьмовый сейв и техника  :D